Monday, December 10, 2007

next project?

i would love to do this:

murphy's law

the latest issues...

we were without hot water for several days last month. we replaced the thermostats and heating elements and voila, we had hot water.

my kitchen sink pipes were leaking and got everything under the sink soaked. that was fixed but my faucet still drips. i have to buy a new one, i think, but am kinda putting it off.

reality tv

so my house had another stint on reality tv. hardly anyone saw this though, and i wasn't in it.

i work for a website that partners with a tv show that films christian artists cooking and shopping etc. they needed a kitchen for an out of town artist, so they used my kitchen. the artist cooks and jokes around and throws lettuce around. it was a fun experience and now we're friends. good things happen to those who offer up their houses for cooking segments. :)

the bathroom

i don't even have the energy to type about the bathroom. we completely gutted it and re-did most of it ourselves. it ended up costing about $5000. will i make that money back when i sell? ..... i hope so. it depends on when i sell, i suppose.

we replaced a gross vanity with a shiny pedestal sing.
replaced a gross shower with a new one
replaced gross floor with new floor
tore out the walls so that we could do new dry wall. the walls were so scarred that it feels so good to start over.
new door
new threshold
new trim around the window
added bead board paneling and chair rail
put in a new cabinet and light

to do still:

crown moulding
the door

what we've done... what we've left to do

things that we have done to the house:

installed an alarm
cleaned the hvac
installed a programmable thermostat
rewired everything to bring it up to codes (yes, it wasn't up to codes)
got rid of the pool
cleaned the gutters
fixed the water heater
gutted the bathroom and completely re-did it
installed a new ceiling fan
built a closet on the 2nd floor
drywalled nearly the entire living room
ripped up all carpet
fixed a leaking sink
replaced the water line from the meter to the house
fixed a hole in the pipe under the house

to do:

refinish hardwoods
finish bathroom completely (finish the new door, hang crown moulding)
install threshold from dining room to living room (almost there!)

find and design

in november, i heard that "find and design" was casting in nashville. it's a design show on a&e. no one has ever heard of it because they all watch hgtv!

i sent an enthusiastic, peppy email to the casting agent. i needed my spare room re-done. it was a mess and needed help! she liked my email and called me. she liked me on the phone and sent a scout to the house. adria and i cleaned up (the house and ourselves) and interviewed with the scout. he loved us. we were chosen.

mid-december, we went to the flea market with the show. they filmed us shopping and haggling. we bought some cool stuff. then the show breaked for the holidays.

in january, they took us to yard sales and to big lots. then we filmed our at-home projects. then we filmed the reveal.

the results were amazing! i got about $1000 worth of stuff all for free - and a professionally decorated room!

the show aired in april. we made our alma mater's alumni news. we were stars.

this was only the beginning of my house's stints on reality television. :)

house hunting

i searched for 8 or 9 months for a house. i made my realtor brad olson take me all over nashville. from the east side to the west side, no houses were quite right. some were cute, other were a mess, some had lousy neighbors, one had a fence that had been crashed into, one had car racing trophies covering (and i mean covering) an entire wall. i fell in like with a few houses. then i found one that i desperately wanted to see. it was south-ish nashville in an area that i knew (just knew) would be the next "it" neighborhood. brad called and the house already had a contract on it. i was heartbroken but then we discovered that the house next door was for sale. brad and i scurried over to look at it.

the decor was .... not my style. at all. but i saw potential in the house. brad and i had not yet put a contract on a house but i felt like this was the right one. i called my parents. i fretted. i stood in the street talking to brad by our cars for a long time. could this be it? after almost a year?

we went back to his office. i fretted some more. he started the paperwork and we finished it up that night. the proceedings proceeded. a few weeks later, i closed.

my parents came down and we spent 4 full days ripping wallpaper down, painting, ripping carpet up, tearing out hundreds and hundreds of staples from the floor. we painted and painted. and painted some more.

the living room had awful brick paneling. i thought a sunny yellow living room would be a good idea. it ended up looking like the yellow brick road but we were so worn out that we kept it. in october, my mom and her cousin came down and ripped down the paneling and hung dry wall. we painted the living room "teepee" and it's a lovely shade of light brown.

they also drywalled up a doorway that had makeshift shelves on one side and paneling on the other. awful! we hung crown moulding in the living room and the dining room.

that was fall 06. buying, preparing, renovating. that's just a sign of even more to come!

253 and me... what's it all about?

as a single woman who bought her own house, i have great affection for my little cottage. my mortgage is fixed for 5 years and then the rate is adjustable. when i first bought my house, i thought there was no way i'd be here for 5 years. now, as i continue to improve it and wear it in, i have a hard time imagining leaving it! i have been here since august 06. will i be married someday and live in this house? will i have a baby in this house? i have no idea what the future holds but i am here to blog about me and my sweet little house. i have a bit of history to catch up on and then we can keep on movin' on.