Monday, December 10, 2007

find and design

in november, i heard that "find and design" was casting in nashville. it's a design show on a&e. no one has ever heard of it because they all watch hgtv!

i sent an enthusiastic, peppy email to the casting agent. i needed my spare room re-done. it was a mess and needed help! she liked my email and called me. she liked me on the phone and sent a scout to the house. adria and i cleaned up (the house and ourselves) and interviewed with the scout. he loved us. we were chosen.

mid-december, we went to the flea market with the show. they filmed us shopping and haggling. we bought some cool stuff. then the show breaked for the holidays.

in january, they took us to yard sales and to big lots. then we filmed our at-home projects. then we filmed the reveal.

the results were amazing! i got about $1000 worth of stuff all for free - and a professionally decorated room!

the show aired in april. we made our alma mater's alumni news. we were stars.

this was only the beginning of my house's stints on reality television. :)

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